Contact – The views of Care Experienced young people
In 2014 Who Cares? Scotland consulted with Care Experienced young people on their views regarding “contact” in partnership with the…
In 2014 Who Cares? Scotland consulted with Care Experienced young people on their views regarding “contact” in partnership with the…
In 2014 Who Cares? Scotland worked in partnership with the Scottish Government to write a report on permanence planning by…
Who Cares? Scotland believes that the realisation of rights are pertinent to increasing the life chances of looked after young…
A joint report by Strathclyde University and Who Cares? Scotland on young people looked after by local authorities and the…
A Strathclyde University report written by Monica Barry and Kristina Moodie. With Elizabeth Morrison and Cheryl-Ann Cruickshank on young peoples…
A report by Lindsey Foreman which portrays young people’s experiences of their life before secure care and their views of…
A consultation with Care Experienced young people living in Secure Care in Edinburgh, carried out in 2004 at the request…
Who Cares? Scotland Annual Report from 1998, written by the then Chair Person, David Macormack.
In March 1997 Who Cares? Scotland was given funding from the Mental Health Foundation to consult Care Experienced people to…