What is Corporate Parenting?
A video explaining the definition of Corporate Parenting.
A video explaining the definition of Corporate Parenting.
Chloe’s health story. Trigger Warnings: mentions domestic violence and mental health issues.
Susanne Millar from the Health and Social Care Partnership discusses the importance of Corporate Parenting.
A summary of CE peoples views on why advocacy matters. Evidence provided to the Scottish Government.
In January 2017, WC?S held a consultation with over 30 care experienced young people, seeking their views on the Children’s…
19 year old Chloe tells us about her experience of being moved from a foster placement to a residential unit…
Our response to the consultation on the draft of the Continuing Care (Scotland) Amendment Order – January 2017
Our response to the consultation on the new National Health and Social Care Standards – January 2017
Our response to the consultation on the Education Governance Review – December 2016