Navigating The World of Rights Summary Report – December 2020
As part of our Annual Participation Programme we asked our members about “Navigating the World of Rights”. This is a…
As part of our Annual Participation Programme we asked our members about “Navigating the World of Rights”. This is a…
As part of our Annual Participation Programme we asked our members about how they navigate the world of rights. This…
Who Cares? Scotland publish research into issues of privacy and confidentiality within the Children’s Hearings System
Young people and parents views on privacy and how this affects their participation in the children’s hearing system. A WC?S…
Evidence submitted to the Equality and Human Rights Committee on the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill.
Evidence submitted to the Education and Skills Committee on the Redress for Survivors (Historical Child Abuse in Care) (Scotland) Bill.
A report from August 2020 describing the impact of lockdown on Care Experienced young people in Aberdeen.
June 2020 Newsletter which updates Corporate Parents on The Training and Education team’s work and upcoming opportunities.
A Who Cares? Scotland summary paper on the impact of Covid19 on the Care Experienced community for Corporate Parents.
Evidence submitted to the Education and Skills Committee on Covid-19.