Corporate Parenting Newsletter and Promising Practice – Spring 2023
In this issue – Read about the Training and Education team’s recent visit to Shetland. Edinburgh College share the work…
In this issue – Read about the Training and Education team’s recent visit to Shetland. Edinburgh College share the work…
Catch up with all the latest news from the Training & Education team this October.
Catch up with all the latest news from the Training & Education team this May.
Disclosure Scotland explain the disclosure process and share their tips for Care Experienced people.
Who Cares? Scotland submits evidence to inform the Education reform consultation, including what we know about what Care Experienced learners…
Video featuring Communities that Care project staff, Care Experienced people and school staff outlining the impact of the Communities that…
In this video Lynda shares her experiences at college and the positive impact her relationship with her tutor had on…
In this video David talks about being treated differently by teachers in school when they discovered he is Care Experienced.
Care Experienced group hope their new animated video will promote positive changes in how mental health is viewed.
Leanne shares her story of managing her finances during her studies.