What is a Corporate Parent?
A Corporate Parent is one of the following individuals or bodies which are named in the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.

Under this legislation, Corporate Parents have specific duties and responsibilities towards Care Experienced children and young people up to the age of 26 (although many Corporate Parents go further and extend their support and policies to Care Experienced adults above the age of 26, which we celebrate and consider best practice).
Although the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act has been enacted since 2015, the idea of Corporate Parenting is not new. The term first appeared in the late 1990s, and the concept of Corporate Parenting has actively informed Scottish Government policy since its 2007 report, ‘Looked After Children and Young People: We Can and Must Do Better’.
When the state takes on a parental role for a child or young person, we all have a part to play in their wellbeing. Corporate Parents have a vital role to play in ensuring the rights of Care Experienced people are upheld, and that they have the best chances and outcomes in life. Corporate Parenting is all about asking – “would this be good enough for my child?” Just as it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a diverse network of Corporate Parents to support the Care Experienced community.
Corporate Parenting Duties
As a Corporate Parent, you have the following duties as set out in the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014:
You can find more extensive guidance around these duties and what they mean here.
Corporate Parenting Network
Are you a Proud Corporate Parent? Do you want an opportunity to shout about the work you’re doing for Care Experienced people, while learning what others outside of your own sector are doing?
We’re looking for Corporate Parents who are passionate, driven and excited about Corporate Parenting to connect with other like-minded individuals based not on locality or sector, but a desire to make a difference for the Care Experienced community.
CORPORATE PARENTS TOLD US they wanted more opportunities to collaborate and ways to keep Corporate Parenting on the agenda.
CORPORATE PARENTS WANTED real, tangible examples of positive Corporate Parenting from other organisations which they can learn from/adapt for their own teams.
INTRODUCING The Who Cares? Scotland Collaborative Corporate Parenting Network: a space for Corporate Parenting pioneers to come together and collaborate and share Corporate Parenting plans and ambitions in an informal, exploratory way.
Together we can improve the lives of those with care experience. We look forward to hearing from you!
Contact us by emailing: corporateparenting@whocaresscotland.org
Corporate Parenting Learning Hub
Who Cares? Scotland have created a Resource Library which hosts a number of individual and thematic digital resources. On this page you’ll find the most recent Corporate Parenting resources which can be downloaded and integrated into existing training platforms.
Support for Implementation of Resources
We are more than happy to offer support and guidance on implementing these resources within your own training programme, or to assist in the development of bespoke resources or modules which offer more contextual insight into the function of your organisation and how it relates to young people. If you would like to discuss the possibility of co-developing e-learning resources and/or bespoke materials, please email corporateparenting@whocaresscotland.org
Scottish Government’s Corporate Parenting Progress Report – Summary Report
This is a summary of the Scottish Government’s Corporate Parenting report for 2021 – 2024 and has been created by Who Cares? Scotland.
Corporate Parenting Newsletter and Promising Practice – Winter – 2024/5
This edition of our Newsletter includes Promising Practice examples from St Peter’s Primary School and Social Security Scotland.
Post Training Pack for Corporate Parents – 2024
This post training pack is for Corporate Parents who have received a training session from the Education and Engagement Team at Who Cares? Scotland.
Response to the Scottish Government’s Post-School Education and Skills Reform: Consultation on legislation
This consultation response provides comment on the Scottish Government’s proposals for changes to the remit of the three principal public bodies in the post- school education system. These public bodies are the Student Award Agency Scotland (SAAS), the Scottish Funding Council (SFC), and Skills Development Scotland (SDS).
Corporate Parenting Newsletter and Promising Practice – Summer – 2024
This edition of our Newsletter looks back at recent events such as The Corporate Parenting Awards and Empowered Voices Programme.
A guide for Scotland’s teachers on care experience and Corporate Parenting
This booklet has been created jointly between Who Cares? Scotland and the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA). The aim of this booklet is to provide Scotland’s teachers with insight into the lives of Care Experienced learners and the important role you play as a Corporate Parent.
Corporate Parenting Awards 2024 – Programme
This programme outlines the work of all the nominees for the 2024 Corporate Parenting Awards. The programme also shares examples Promising Practice from the last 10 years of Corporate Parenting.
Support for Corporate Parents – 2024 – 2025
We are delighted to share our new training offer for 2024 – 2025. This outlines the help available to Corporate Parents from The Education and Engagement team.
Response to the Scottish Government’s public consultation: Disclosure (Scotland) Act 2020 – Accredited Body Fees and Proposals for Discounting
Who Cares? Scotland responds to the Scottish Government’s proposal to create a fee discount structure for people in receipt of certain benefits to receive a Disclosure fee discount.
Corporate Parenting Newsletter and Promising Practice – Spring 2024
In this issue – We share some Education and Engagement team updates and Samuel Curran shares some of the work Scottish Police Authority have been doing to grow as a Corporate Parent.
My Corporate Parent – Video
This video was made in participation with a group of Care Experienced people in the Highland Council area. They shared with Who Cares? Scotland what they need to feel supported by Corporate Parents.
Corporate Parenting Newsletter and Promising Practice – Winter 2023
In this issue – We share some Education and Engagement team updates and Falkirk Council share the work they have been doing with the local Champions Board.
Want to check out the full Resource Library?
Here you’ll find our full range of resources which can be filtered by type and theme depending on what you are looking for.
Filter by theme ‘Corporate Parenting’ to see all our resources.
Training and support for Corporate Parents
The Education & Engagement Team at Who Cares? Scotland offers fully-funded support to Corporate Parents across Scotland. Find out more about this offer on our Training & Support page.
Our Photos
Take a look at the photo albums from our most recent Corporate Parenting events.