Scottish Government’s Corporate Parenting Progress Report – Summary Report
This is a summary of the Scottish Government’s Corporate Parenting report for 2021 – 2024 and has been created by Who Cares? Scotland.
This is a summary of the Scottish Government’s Corporate Parenting report for 2021 – 2024 and has been created by Who Cares? Scotland.
As part of our Lifelong Rights Campaign, this paper is the third in our series of issue papers. Here we look into the topic of belonging and connection for Care Experienced people.
This paper is the second in
our issue paper series.
We know through our advocacy data that finance continues to be the top issue raised by Care Experienced people over the age of 16, and this paper emphasises the ongoing need to eliminate barriers to financial support and education.
Following the launch of our Lifelong Rights Campaign, we’re publishing a series of issue papers that are linked to the top five issues that Care Experienced people, aged 16 and over, raise with us through independent advocacy.
We hope this first report offers immediate solutions for change whilst larger policy changes are implemented across the board.
Response to the request from the Scottish Parliament Social Justice and Social Security Committee.
A Who Cares? Scotland research report investigating Scotland’s progress to keep Plan 21 – 24 of The Promise.
Who Cares? Scotland is proud to publish this report to launch our new campaign for Lifelong Rights for Care Experienced people. This campaign aims to ensure that Care Experienced people of all ages can get the support they need for as long as they need it.
Our official Signed Accounts for our Annual General Meeting 2023. That will be held on Sunday 29th of October 2023.
Our 2022 annual report celebrates the progress made since 2018, looks at our advocacy data from the last year, and includes feedback from the Care Experienced people we support using our new framework.
This report summarises the volunteer impact for 2022. Based on this evidence and our learnings.
An easy read version of the Staying Together and Connected Flyer about sibling separation. In 2022 WC?S worked with 16 Care Experienced people to gather their views on sibling rights and come up with changes that must be made.
Final report which includes more information about this project.
This report documents our analysis of the care community’s lived experience and views on online safety, digital rights, and relationships online.
This report details the findings and recommendations from the conversations and feedback we received from Care Experienced people at ‘The Promise and You’ event on the 18th June 2022.
As part of our Annual Participation Programme we provided Care Experienced parents the opportunity to tell us about their experiences.
Who Cares? Scotland
report and financial statements for the year ended 31st March 2022.
In 2022, the third annual festival started on Care Day on 18th February and ran for five days with the theme of Tending the Light. Read about it’s impact here.
As part of our Annual Participation Programme members were given a variety of opportunities to share their views and experiences on mental health. This information was translated into a report that was shared with Corporate Parents and The Scottish Government.
This easy-read guide shares key information from our Corporate Parenting progress report using information shared with us by The Scottish Government and CELCIS.
This report is packed with easy to understand information on what Corporate Parents have been doing for people with care experience over the past three years, from 2018 to 2021.
Following our response to the Scottish Government’s National Care Service (NCS) consultation, we were approached to help create space for people with care experience to share their views on the proposal.
As part of our Annual Participation Programme 2021-22. We heard Care Experienced people’s views and experiences about their sexual and reproductive health.
As part of our Annual Participation Programme we asked our members about the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on their lives. This is summary of their views.
As part of our Annual Participation Programme we consulted members on the impact Covid19 has had on their lives. This feedback and information was gathered at the end of 2020 and the report looks at reflections, impact and planning for the future.
Summary of feedback from interviews and focus groups with key stakeholders of the STV Appeal funded ‘Communities that Care’ project pilot which was delivered in Renfrewshire between 2016 and 2020.
Report outlining feedback gathered from a survey completed by key stakeholders of the STV Appeal funded ‘Communities that Care’ project pilot which was delivered in Renfrewshire between 2016 and 2020.
As part of our Annual Participation Programme we asked our members about “Navigating the World of Rights”. This is a summary of the findings from this research.
As part of our Annual Participation Programme we asked our members about how they navigate the world of rights. This is the full report on the findings from this work.
In depth feedback from interviews and focus groups with key stakeholders of the STV Appeal funded ‘Communities that Care’ project pilot which was delivered in Renfrewshire between 2016 and 2020.
Report outlining the impact of the Communities that Care project’s work in Renfrewshire schools from 2016-2020.
Young people and parents views on privacy and how this affects their participation in the children’s hearing system. A WC?S policy briefing from November 2020.
A report from August 2020 describing the impact of lockdown on Care Experienced young people in Aberdeen.
In response to Covid19 Who Cares? Scotland set up a helpline for the Care Experienced community. This update explains the provision of the helpline as it was first established in 2020.
This paper presents an overview of how Covid-19 and the associated safety measures have impacted Care Experienced people in contact with Who Cares? Scotland.
A report on homelessness and Care Experience, to inform the Scottish Government’s Care Leaver Pathway, the Away Home Scotland Coalition’s workgroup and the wider public.
A report written by Care Experienced members about their experiences accessing their care records and recommendations for change.
The Care Council discuss their views on the Age of Criminal Responsibility Bill through a discursive workshop.
Who Cares? Scotland’s Consultation on the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility from April 2018. We welcome the introduction of the Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Bill (the Bill) into Scottish Parliament and recognise this as a historic moment in the progress of human rights in Scotland.
A report on the Criminalisation of Care Experienced people to inform the Howard League’s ongoing project: ‘Ending Criminalisation of Children in Residential Care’.
Reframing Children’s Social Care
Consultation. The findings of a session looking at the question: “what do you want the public to know and understand about the care system and looked after children?”.
Who Cares? Scotland reports on our concerns relating to continuing care after consulting with APW’s across Scotland.
Since March 2017, WCS has facilitated a regular issue-based group for care experienced
young people called the “Young Radicals”. This is a report on homelessness in consultation with the Young Radicals group.
This report presents the findings from research activity with care experienced children and young people, exploring their knowledge and awareness of advocacy, as well as how to best promote it to those who are looked after.
Who Cares? Scotland directly consulted with 87 young people to establish their experiences of living in care, their hopes for life after care and their response to The Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 and its ability to change outcomes.
This is a summary of the key findings from the report analysing Care Experienced young peoples responses to the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.
In 2014 Who Cares? Scotland worked in partnership with the Scottish Government to write a report on permanence planning by consulting 15 Care Experienced young people.
In 2014 Who Cares? Scotland consulted with Care Experienced young people on their views regarding “contact” in partnership with the Scottish Government.
Who Cares? Scotland believes that the realisation of rights are pertinent to increasing the life chances of looked after young people.
A joint report by Strathclyde University and Who Cares? Scotland on young people looked after by local authorities and the referendum on Scottish independence.
Supporting information from young people in care and care
leavers for the Children and Young People Bill.
A Strathclyde University report written by Monica Barry and Kristina Moodie. With Elizabeth Morrison and Cheryl-Ann Cruickshank on young peoples perceptions and experience of persistent offending.
A report written as part of Who Cares? Scotland’s 30th year anniversary. The report listened to the views of over 200 Care Experienced people across Scotland.
A report by Lindsey Foreman which portrays young people’s experiences of their life before secure care and their views of programmes of intervention they have undertaken in secure care.
A consultation with Care Experienced young people living in Secure Care in Edinburgh, carried out in 2004 at the request of Edinburgh City Council Social Work Department.
Marking 25 years of Who Cares? Scotland this report in 2003 looks at the opinions, recommendations and views of Care Experienced young people at the the time. The focus is on a change in attitudes.
Who Cares? Scotland Annual Report from 1998, written by the then Chair Person, David Macormack.
In March 1997 Who Cares? Scotland was given funding from the Mental Health Foundation to consult Care Experienced people to talk about how they support their mental health and what hinders them from doing this.
This report details the outcomes of the November 1990 AGM when members agreed on a new structure and change in legal status of Who Cares? Scotland.