Digital Wellbeing Podcast with Susan
A podcast hosted by Digital Wellbeing member Susan who discusses online safety, relationships and digital rights.
A podcast hosted by Digital Wellbeing member Susan who discusses online safety, relationships and digital rights.
5 Nations 1 Voice is an alliance made up of five charities across the UK and Ireland that support Care Experienced children, young people and adults.
On this episode, Charlotte is speaking with Scottish Comedy Award Winner, Gary Meikle. Gary is now an internationally known stand-up comedian, who uses his platform to highlight the struggles Care Experienced people face, particularly after leaving care.
On this episode, Charlotte sits down with Councillor Graham Campbell. Graham is a Rastafarian veteran political campaigner and community activist who in May 2017, was elected as Glasgow City Council’s – and Scotland’s – first ever African Caribbean Councillor
On this episode, Charlotte is speaking with Jemma Kerr. As a baby, Jemma spent 3 months in foster care before being adopted by her Mum and Dad. As Jemma got older, she began to understand that being adopted makes up a huge part of her identity.
On this episode, Charlotte sits down with Caroline Richardson. Caroline has been an unwavering children’s right defender. Caroline is the longest standing worker at Who Cares? Scotland and is as every bit as committed to it as she was 20 years ago.
On this episode, Charlotte is speaking to Carmel Jacob. Carmel was brought up by her Gran in Edinburgh and as a child, she developed a love for wrestling. She swapped her wrestling boots for university books, training as an Educational Psychologist, where she now supports Care Experienced children and young people.
On this episode, Charlotte dives into conversation with Chris Law MP. Chris grew up in Fife and when he left school he trained as a Chef, before graduating from St Andrews University. Chris revealed his Care Experience publicly for the first time during a House of Commons debate on foster care.
On this episode, Charlotte speaks with her friend and colleague, Kenny Murray. Kenny has established himself as an award-winning campaigner, PR professional and aspiring screenwriter, with a particular interest in media representations of Care Experienced people.