Scottish Government’s Corporate Parenting Progress Report – Summary Report
This is a summary of the Scottish Government’s Corporate Parenting report for 2021 – 2024 and has been created by Who Cares? Scotland.
This is a summary of the Scottish Government’s Corporate Parenting report for 2021 – 2024 and has been created by Who Cares? Scotland.
Who Cares? Scotland’s response to the Scottish Government’s Future of Foster Care consultation, published February 2025.
Who Cares? Scotland’s response to the Scottish Government’s Equality and Human Rights Mainstreaming Strategy, published January 2025.
Who Cares? Scotland’s response to the Scottish Policy Forum’s Labour Manifesto Consultation, published January 2025.
Who Cares? Scotland’s response to the Scottish Government consultation on exploring a universal definition of ‘Care Experience’ published January 2025.
Who Cares? Scotland’s response to the Scottish Government Children’s Hearing System Redesign Consultation published in January 2025.
This edition of our Newsletter includes Promising Practice examples from St Peter’s Primary School and Social Security Scotland.
This post training pack is for Corporate Parents who have received a training session from the Education and Engagement Team at Who Cares? Scotland.
As part of our Lifelong Rights Campaign, this paper is the third in our series of issue papers. Here we look into the topic of belonging and connection for Care Experienced people.
Read the official minutes from our Annual General Meeting held on Saturday 26th of October 2024.
Our official Signed Accounts for our Annual General Meeting 2024. That will be held on Saturday 26th of October 2024.
Our official Agenda for our Annual General Meeting 2024. That will be held on Saturday 26th of October 2024.
This paper is the second in
our issue paper series.
We know through our advocacy data that finance continues to be the top issue raised by Care Experienced people over the age of 16, and this paper emphasises the ongoing need to eliminate barriers to financial support and education.
Who Cares? Scotland’s response to the Scottish Government Moving On from Care into Adulthood Consultation published in October 2024.
This consultation response provides comment on the Scottish Government’s proposals for changes to the remit of the three principal public bodies in the post- school education system. These public bodies are the Student Award Agency Scotland (SAAS), the Scottish Funding Council (SFC), and Skills Development Scotland (SDS).
This edition of our Newsletter looks back at recent events such as The Corporate Parenting Awards and Empowered Voices Programme.
This booklet has been created jointly between Who Cares? Scotland and the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA). The aim of this booklet is to provide Scotland’s teachers with insight into the lives of Care Experienced learners and the important role you play as a Corporate Parent.
This programme outlines the work of all the nominees for the 2024 Corporate Parenting Awards. The programme also shares examples Promising Practice from the last 10 years of Corporate Parenting.
We are delighted to share our new training offer for 2024 – 2025. This outlines the help available to Corporate Parents from The Education and Engagement team.
Following the launch of our Lifelong Rights Campaign, we’re publishing a series of issue papers that are linked to the top five issues that Care Experienced people, aged 16 and over, raise with us through independent advocacy.
We hope this first report offers immediate solutions for change whilst larger policy changes are implemented across the board.
Who Cares? Scotland responds to the Scottish Government’s proposal to create a fee discount structure for people in receipt of certain benefits to receive a Disclosure fee discount.
In this issue – We share some Education and Engagement team updates and Samuel Curran shares some of the work Scottish Police Authority have been doing to grow as a Corporate Parent.
This video was made in participation with a group of Care Experienced people in the Highland Council area. They shared with Who Cares? Scotland what they need to feel supported by Corporate Parents.
Response to the request from the Scottish Parliament Social Justice and Social Security Committee.
Our response to the Scottish Government’s public
consultation on the Care Leavers Payment.
A Who Cares? Scotland research report investigating Scotland’s progress to keep Plan 21 – 24 of The Promise.
An introduction to our Communities that Care model.
Our response is
based on what we know about the full learner journey for Care Experienced people, and the
changes they have told us would have made their education journey more inclusive.
Find out information here on how to take part in our Care2Dare? Fundraising event
A pack for Care Experienced young people. Know your rights when it comes to Continuing Care, Brothers and Sisters, Housing and other important topics.
A pack for Care Experienced children. Know your rights when it comes to Brothers and Sisters and other important topics.
In this issue – We share some Education and Engagement team updates and Falkirk Council share the work they have been doing with the local Champions Board.
Each Corporate Parent must publish a plan setting out how they intend to fulfil their duties. This document provides guidance on the contents and elements required to produce a great Corporate Parenting plan.
In this three part series Laura from Disclosure Scotland answers some frequently asked questions about the Formal Consideration process when applying for PVG (Protecting Vulnerable Groups) Scheme membership.
In this three part series Laura from Disclosure Scotland answers some frequently asked questions about the Formal Consideration process when applying for PVG (Protecting Vulnerable Groups) Scheme membership.
In this three part series Laura from Disclosure Scotland answers some frequently asked questions about the Formal Consideration process when applying for PVG (Protecting Vulnerable Groups) Scheme membership.
In this video we share five top facts about Disclosure Scotland and applying for disclosure.
This guidance document is for staff working in Scotland’s colleges to ensure they feel confident in the consideration and processing of the Care Experienced Student Bursary. It is intended to complement and augment the guidance the SFC provides on the administration of the bursary: National Policy for Further Education Bursaries.
Who Cares? Scotland is proud to publish this report to launch our new campaign for Lifelong Rights for Care Experienced people. This campaign aims to ensure that Care Experienced people of all ages can get the support they need for as long as they need it.
Read the official minutes from our Annual General Meeting held on Sunday 29th of October 2023.
Our official Agenda for our Annual General Meeting 2023. That will be held on Sunday 29th of October 2023.
Our official Signed Accounts for our Annual General Meeting 2023. That will be held on Sunday 29th of October 2023.
Our official Signed Accounts for our Annual General Meeting 2023. That will be held on Sunday 29th of October 2023.
In this issue – We share some Education and Engagement team updates. sportscotland share the work they have been doing to develop their EDI tools and better understand the Care Experienced community.
In this video Marissa reflects on the impact moving around had on her education.
Who Cares? Scotland is calling for the Scottish Human Rights Bill to include an equality provision which names and explicitly protects Care Experienced people, and a Human Rights Scheme which states that there should be independent advocacy for people whose rights are most at risk, specifying Care Experienced people.
In this video Marissa shares her thoughts on what Corporate Parents need to do to better support Care Experienced people.
An overview of the Who Cares? Scotland 2023-24 learning offer from the Education and Engagement Team.
This response provides comment on the Scottish Government’s review of the National Outcomes.
In this issue – Read about the Training and Education team’s recent visit to Shetland. Edinburgh College share the work they have been doing to support Care Experienced students financially.
Our 2022 annual report celebrates the progress made since 2018, looks at our advocacy data from the last year, and includes feedback from the Care Experienced people we support using our new framework.
Video highlights of Laura Pasternak, Policy and Public Affairs Manager, giving evidence to the Scottish Parliament for the Care and Justice Bill.
This response provides comment on the Scottish Parliament’s Education, Children and Young People Committee’s call for views on the Care and Justice (Scotland) Bill at Stage 1.
Information about Care Day 2023, to help Corporate Parents and the Care Experienced people they work with get involved.
Who Cares Scotland’s response to the Scottish Government’s National Care Service Consultation.
Catch up with all the latest news from the Training & Education team this December.
An interactive poster for families/carers/workers to discuss with young people how they should be when talking about sexual health and healthy relationships.
Hear from the Mum and Baby group what advice they would give when talking about sexual health and healthy relationships.
Hear from the Mum and Baby group talking about body confidence.
‘Red flag green flag’ conversation starter video for workers and carers when talking to young people about their sexual health and healthy relationships.
A sneak peak of all our Sexual Health and Healthy Relationships resources.
This resource has useful links to find out more information about sexual health and healthy relationships.
Hear from Jo, who led on our sexual health and healthy relationships project.
Young people from The Scottish Guardianship Service share their advice through animation on how carers and workers should talk to young people about sexual health and healthy relationships.
Young people from The Scottish Guardianship Service share their advice on how carers and workers should talk to young people about sexual health and healthy relationships.
Young people from The Scottish Guardianship Service share their advice on how carers and workers should talk to young people about sexual health and healthy relationships.
Young people from The Scottish Guardianship Service have created a list of their most important topics.
For families/carers/workers to use when speaking to young people about sexual health and healthy relationships.
Young people from The Scottish Guardianship Service share their advice about their most important topics.
Young people from Secure share their advice on how carers and workers should talk to young people about sexual health and healthy relationships.
Final report which includes more information about this project.
Our training and education team have produced this video discussing the impact of Covid-19 on the Care Experienced community, it focuses on the financial impact.
Our training and education team have produced this video discussing the impact of Covid-19 on the Care Experienced community, it focuses on digital inclusion.
A poem by a member of the Digital Wellbeing group on what Digital Wellbeing means to him.
A children’s book that educates children and adults about children’s digital rights and their importance.
Designed by our Digital Wellbeing Group and Dr Autumn Roesch-Marsh to help ensure Care Experienced people are supported to maintain relationships online.
Megan a core member of the group explaining what digital wellbeing means to her.
Megan, a core member of the Digital Wellbeing group explains what being involved in the project has been like for her.
A podcast hosted by Digital Wellbeing member Susan who discusses online safety, relationships and digital rights.
This strategic plan outlines the ambitious work we will undertake for the next five years, in pursuit of our vision.
Short video with Laura Pasternak, Jo McLeod and Gavin Morgan from Who Cares? Scotland, sharing their tips for meaningful participation.
Short video with Laura Pasternak, Jo McLeod and Gavin Morgan, sharing their tips for meaningful participation. As well as insights from National Representative Body members Lynda and Shannon.
Catch up with all the latest news from the Training & Education team this October.
This pack is for anyone who has attended one of the Training and Education team’s Corporate Parenting training events. It includes an overview of content covered in the session as well as links to videos and other informative resources.
Read the official minutes from our Annual General Meeting held on Sunday 23rd of October 2022.
This document provides an easy-to-read overview of Corporate Parenting duties as laid out in the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.
Created for Corporate Parents who have completed our UNCRC training.
This report documents our analysis of the care community’s lived experience and views on online safety, digital rights, and relationships online.
This is a promising practice case study which captures an example of what Corporate Parenting looks like in practice.
A snapshot of the Scottish Government’s Keeping the Promise Implementation Plan.
This response provides comment on proposals from the Scottish Government for a new Care and Justice Bill. This is an important opportunity to create policy reform to improve the youth justice and care systems in Scotland.
This report details the findings and recommendations from the conversations and feedback we received from Care Experienced people at ‘The Promise and You’ event on the 18th June 2022.
As part of our Annual Participation Programme we provided Care Experienced parents the opportunity to tell us about their experiences.
Catch up with all the latest news from the Training & Education team this May.
Who Cares? Scotland
report and financial statements for the year ended 31st March 2022.
In 2022, the third annual festival started on Care Day on 18th February and ran for five days with the theme of Tending the Light. Read about it’s impact here.
Read the official minutes from our Annual General Meeting held on Monday 28th February 2022.
Who Cares? Scotland’s constitution and articles of association as of February 2022.
Catch up with all the latest news from the Training & Education team this February.
As part of our Annual Participation Programme members were given a variety of opportunities to share their views and experiences on mental health. This information was translated into a report that was shared with Corporate Parents and The Scottish Government.
This easy-read guide shares key information from our Corporate Parenting progress report using information shared with us by The Scottish Government and CELCIS.
This report is packed with easy to understand information on what Corporate Parents have been doing for people with care experience over the past three years, from 2018 to 2021.
A useful resource to explain what the UNCRC could mean for Corporate Parents.
This response provides comment on the proposed Scottish Government policy relating to placing children and young people into residential care based in Scotland when a High Court in England or Wales has granted a Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Order [DOLS].
In this video George (Disclosure Scotland) answers questions about applying for disclosure put to him by Lynda from the National Representative Body.
This short video shares some findings from our Corporate Parenting Progress Report.
Who Cares? Scotland submits evidence to inform the Education reform consultation, including what we know about what Care Experienced learners need to thrive.
In this video Dionne talks about her experience with police when they were called to the residential home she lived in.
Video featuring Communities that Care project staff, Care Experienced people and school staff outlining the impact of the Communities that Care project’s work in Renfrewshire schools from 2016-2020.
Video featuring Communities that Care project staff and volunteers, Care Experienced people and school staff outlining the impact of the Communities that Care project’s belonging work in local communities from 2016-2020.
Video featuring Communities that Care project staff and volunteers, Care Experienced people and local councillor’s outlining the impact of the Communities that Care project’s influencing work in local communities from 2016-2020.
In this video Lynda shares her experiences at college and the positive impact her relationship with her tutor had on her studies.
In this video David shares his experience of being discriminated against during interactions with the police.
In this video David talks about being treated differently by teachers in school when they discovered he is Care Experienced.
Leanne shares her story of managing her finances during her studies.
A helpful guide to Disclosure Scotland for Care Experienced people.
Catch up with all the latest news from the Training & Education team.
Our submission to the 2021 United Nations Day of General Discussion, highlighting key areas of policy and practice we are committed to improving in light of The Promise’s ‘Plan 21 – 24’.
A briefing we submitted to the SQA, highlighting the difficulties Care Experienced people face in education in 2021 and recommending they reconsider their appeals process.
Rebecca shares her learning journey of studying at St Andrews University.
Josh discusses his experiences of studying music at college.
A document written for Corporate Parents providing a simplified overview of Corporate Parenting duties.
Who Cares? Scotland’s training and education team created this simple guide to help you understand what the Scotland Universities Guaranteed Offer is. It includes some frequently asked questions.
Who Cares? Scotland highlights some of the barriers that Care Experienced students face when graduating university and provides some recommendations for Corporate Parents.
Who Cares? Scotland describes the process of “articulation” into university, a pathway between colleges and universities that enables students to finish their college course then transition to university using the qualifications they’ve already achieved.
Who Cares? Scotland report and financial statements for the year ending March 2020.
Chloe shares some of her experiences during her time in school and the disruptions that affected her education.
Chloe tells us what she, and other Care Experienced people, need from Corporate Parents.
Gary talks about how his personal needs weren’t picked up on when he was in school.
In this video David explains that being Care Experienced caused difficulties in him receiving urgent medical care.
A round up of promising practice by Corporate Parents across Scotland. This round up features Police Scotland and SAAS.
A practice note for practitioners supporting Care Experienced people in their own tenancies who may need additional support with housing costs through Discretionary Housing Payments.
On this episode, Charlotte is speaking with Scottish Comedy Award Winner, Gary Meikle. Gary is now an internationally known stand-up comedian, who uses his platform to highlight the struggles Care Experienced people face, particularly after leaving care.
On this episode, Charlotte sits down with Councillor Graham Campbell. Graham is a Rastafarian veteran political campaigner and community activist who in May 2017, was elected as Glasgow City Council’s – and Scotland’s – first ever African Caribbean Councillor
On this episode, Charlotte is speaking with Jemma Kerr. As a baby, Jemma spent 3 months in foster care before being adopted by her Mum and Dad. As Jemma got older, she began to understand that being adopted makes up a huge part of her identity.
On this episode, Charlotte sits down with Caroline Richardson. Caroline has been an unwavering children’s right defender. Caroline is the longest standing worker at Who Cares? Scotland and is as every bit as committed to it as she was 20 years ago.
On this episode, Charlotte is speaking to Carmel Jacob. Carmel was brought up by her Gran in Edinburgh and as a child, she developed a love for wrestling. She swapped her wrestling boots for university books, training as an Educational Psychologist, where she now supports Care Experienced children and young people.
On this episode, Charlotte dives into conversation with Chris Law MP. Chris grew up in Fife and when he left school he trained as a Chef, before graduating from St Andrews University. Chris revealed his Care Experience publicly for the first time during a House of Commons debate on foster care.
On this episode, Charlotte speaks with her friend and colleague, Kenny Murray. Kenny has established himself as an award-winning campaigner, PR professional and aspiring screenwriter, with a particular interest in media representations of Care Experienced people.
A briefing for MSPs as the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill reached Stage 2 of discussions. Focuses on amendments where Who Cares? Scotland can provide specific evidence.
As part of our Annual Participation Programme we asked our members about the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on their lives. This is summary of their views.
As part of our Annual Participation Programme we consulted members on the impact Covid19 has had on their lives. This feedback and information was gathered at the end of 2020 and the report looks at reflections, impact and planning for the future.
Meet Sam. This video shows what it can feel like going into care. It is a composite story of experiences shared with us by the people we support.
Summary of feedback from interviews and focus groups with key stakeholders of the STV Appeal funded ‘Communities that Care’ project pilot which was delivered in Renfrewshire between 2016 and 2020.
Report outlining feedback gathered from a survey completed by key stakeholders of the STV Appeal funded ‘Communities that Care’ project pilot which was delivered in Renfrewshire between 2016 and 2020.
As part of our Annual Participation Programme we asked our members about “Navigating the World of Rights”. This is a summary of the findings from this research.
As part of our Annual Participation Programme we asked our members about how they navigate the world of rights. This is the full report on the findings from this work.
In depth feedback from interviews and focus groups with key stakeholders of the STV Appeal funded ‘Communities that Care’ project pilot which was delivered in Renfrewshire between 2016 and 2020.
Report outlining the impact of the Communities that Care project’s work in Renfrewshire schools from 2016-2020.
Young people and parents views on privacy and how this affects their participation in the children’s hearing system. A WC?S policy briefing from November 2020.
Evidence submitted to the Equality and Human Rights Committee on the UNCRC (Incorporation) (Scotland) Bill.
Evidence submitted to the Education and Skills Committee on the Redress for Survivors (Historical Child Abuse in Care) (Scotland) Bill.
A report from August 2020 describing the impact of lockdown on Care Experienced young people in Aberdeen.
June 2020 Newsletter which updates Corporate Parents on The Training and Education team’s work and upcoming opportunities.
A Who Cares? Scotland summary paper on the impact of Covid19 on the Care Experienced community for Corporate Parents.
Evidence submitted to the Education and Skills Committee on Covid-19.
In response to Covid19 Who Cares? Scotland set up a helpline for the Care Experienced community. This update explains the provision of the helpline as it was first established in 2020.
This paper presents an overview of how Covid-19 and the associated safety measures have impacted Care Experienced people in contact with Who Cares? Scotland.
A statement on the impact of Covid19 for the Care Experienced community.
Who Cares? Scotland newsletter for Corporate Parents.
This issue shares the work of The University of Stirling, The University of the Highlands and Islands and The University of Edinburgh and the work they are doing to help Care Experienced Students financially.
Who Cares? Scotland’s response to the Children’s Rights Consultation on incorporating the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child into our domestic law in Scotland.
A submission of evidence to the Scottish Parliament Committee by WC?S regarding the Disclosure (Scotland) Bill from August 2019.
A report written by Care Experienced members about their experiences accessing their care records and recommendations for change.
This issue shares some examples of Promising Practice from Disclosure Scotland, NHS 24, QMU, University of Aberdeen, SCRA, CYPCS, Scottish Housing Regulator, University of Glasgow.
Respondent information form for the Scottish Government with our response to the Job Grant Consultation in 2019.
Who Cares? Scotland submits evidence to the Scottish Parliament Committee regarding the age of criminal responsibility. Who Cares? Scotland fully supports increasing the age of criminal responsibility and prosecution to 16 years old.
Our response to the consultation on the draft of the Continuing Care (Scotland) Amendment Order 2019
WC?S submits evidence to the Scottish Government Committee regarding an inquiry into mental health support for young people in Scotland.
The Care Council discuss their views on the Age of Criminal Responsibility Bill through a discursive workshop.
Our response to the review of Part 1 of the Children (Scotland) Act 1995 and creation of a Family Justice Modernisation Strategy.
Our response to the Progressing Children’s Rights in Scotland: An Action Plan consultation
Our response to the consultation on changes to the Disclosure System
Who Cares? Scotland provides evidence to the Scottish Parliament Committee regarding the age limit of responsibility. We suggest this changes from age 12 to age 16, as recommended by the UNCR.
An introductory training on Children’s Rights produced by the Scottish Government.
Follow-up on Oral Evidence Session to Equality and Human Rights Committee (EHRC), 10th May 2018. The follow up areas include the importance of independent advocacy and how to address discrimination.
Engender reports on the UK’s response to its obligations under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). They ask for evidence from women and equalities organisations across Scotland to inform their shadow report.
Who Cares? Scotland’s Consultation on the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility from April 2018. We welcome the introduction of the Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Bill (the Bill) into Scottish Parliament and recognise this as a historic moment in the progress of human rights in Scotland.
A report on the Criminalisation of Care Experienced people to inform the Howard League’s ongoing project: ‘Ending Criminalisation of Children in Residential Care’.
A description of protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010.
Who Cares? Scotland’s response to Equalities and Human Rights Committee Inquiry: Human Rights and the Scottish Parliament. The report highlights the importance of listening to the voices of CE people to shape the inquiry.
David talks about his Care Experienced journey and his experiences of discrimination growing up.
Who Cares? Scotland sets of 7 elements that make for an effective Corporate Parenting Plan. We recommend you read this in tandem with our guide: Corporate Parenting Guide: An Overview.
Our response to Empowering Schools: A consultation on the provision of the Education (Scotland) Bill
Who Cares? Scotland reports on our concerns relating to continuing care after consulting with APW’s across Scotland.
A round up of promising practice by Corporate Parents from 2016-2017.
Our response to the consultation on the draft of The Continuing Care (Scotland) Amendment Order 2018
Our response to the consultation on the Proposed Draft Police Act
1997 and Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act
2007 Remedial Order 2018
A report on sibling separation and contact was conducted in 2017 to inform Corporate Parents.
Since March 2017, WCS has facilitated a regular issue-based group for care experienced
young people called the “Young Radicals”. This is a report on homelessness in consultation with the Young Radicals group.
Our response to the consultation on the Children (Equal Protection from Assault) (Scotland) Bill – July 2017
Who Cares? Scotland explains the importance of recognising Care Experience as a protected characteristic for students applying to colleges and universities.
A summary of CE peoples views on why advocacy matters. Evidence provided to the Scottish Government.
In January 2017, WC?S held a consultation with over 30 care experienced young people, seeking their views on the
Children’s Hearings System.
Chloe’s health story. Trigger Warnings: mentions domestic violence and mental health issues.
Susanne Millar from the Health and Social Care Partnership discusses the importance of Corporate Parenting.
19 year old Chloe tells us about her experience of being moved from a foster placement to a residential unit with no warning. She tells us what she needs from a Corporate Parent.
Our response to the consultation on the new National Health and Social Care Standards – January 2017
Our response to the consultation on the draft of the Continuing Care (Scotland) Amendment Order – January 2017
Our response to the consultation on the Education Governance Review – December 2016
A briefing for the Education and Skills Committee from WC?S with regards to the consultation of young people undertaken by WC?S. It introduces the 1000 voices campaign and asks the Scottish Government to centre Care Experienced voices during the Care Review.
Our response to the consultation on Working Together for People Who Go Missing – December 2015
Our response to the consultation on the Draft Statutory Guidance:
Standards in Scotland’s School etc. Act 2000
Our response to the consultation on Mental Health in Scotland – A 10 Year Vision
This report presents the findings from research activity with care experienced children and young people, exploring their knowledge and awareness of advocacy, as well as how to best promote it to those who are looked after.
Chloe talks about her care journey and what could have helped to make things more seamless.
A joint response with CELCIS on a review of the Scottish Social Housing
Charter. CELCIS is the Centre for excellence for looked after children in Scotland.
Who Cares? Scotland’s response to the Draft Strategic Police Priorities for Scotland 2016.
Who Cares? Scotland’s response to the Consultation on Police Powers to Search Children and Young People for Alcohol. The response is guided by research and consultation with Care Experienced young people.
Who Cares? Scotland’s Response to the Consultation on the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility. During the consultation we spoke to 32 Care Experienced young people about their thoughts on Minimum ages the Children’s Hearing System, police relationships with young people in care, criminal records and disclosures.
Who Cares? Scotland consulted Care Experienced young people about what being healthy means to them.
Who Cares? Scotland response to questions on draft guidance for Part 10 Aftercare from September 2015.
Who Cares? Scotland response to questions on draft guidance for Part 11 Continuing Care from 2015.
Who Cares? Scotland discusses Student Support, funding and access for Care Experienced students hoping to attend university.
Who Cares? Scotland responds to the legal and practical challenges of
mental health services in Scotland referred to in the 2014 Children & Young People Act. It discusses the main challenges for NHS mental health services and provides some recommendations.
Who Cares? Scotland responds to the Education Scotland Bill and urges the Scottish Government to consider the inequalities faced by Care Experienced people when it comes to further education.
Who Cares? Scotland response to the review of Police Scotland’s stop and search practices. We ask Police Scotland to keep in mind their responsibilities as Corporate Parents.
A position paper detailing our opinion on the importance of independent advocacy. The document provides an understanding of the spectrum of advocacy support and our hopes for advocacy in the future.
A consultation of Care Experienced young people and their views on Health Promoting Care Placements. The intention was to establish the experiences of accessing health services and the understanding of relevant health issues while growing up in a variety of placements.
In 2014 Who Cares? Scotland worked in partnership with the Scottish Government to write a report on permanence planning by consulting 15 Care Experienced young people.
In 2014 Who Cares? Scotland consulted with Care Experienced young people on their views regarding “contact” in partnership with the Scottish Government.
Who Cares? Scotland believes that the realisation of rights are pertinent to increasing the life chances of looked after young people.
A joint report by Strathclyde University and Who Cares? Scotland on young people looked after by local authorities and the referendum on Scottish independence.
A Strathclyde University report written by Monica Barry and Kristina Moodie. With Elizabeth Morrison and Cheryl-Ann Cruickshank on young peoples perceptions and experience of persistent offending.
A report by Lindsey Foreman which portrays young people’s experiences of their life before secure care and their views of programmes of intervention they have undertaken in secure care.
A consultation with Care Experienced young people living in Secure Care in Edinburgh, carried out in 2004 at the request of Edinburgh City Council Social Work Department.
Who Cares? Scotland Annual Report from 1998, written by the then Chair Person, David Macormack.
In March 1997 Who Cares? Scotland was given funding from the Mental Health Foundation to consult Care Experienced people to talk about how they support their mental health and what hinders them from doing this.