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‘Tend Our Light’ Mental Health Report – February 2022

As part of our Annual Participation Programme members were given a variety of opportunities to share their views and experiences on mental health. This information was translated into a report that was shared with Corporate Parents and The Scottish Government.

Those Around Me – Sam’s Story

Meet Sam. This video shows what it can feel like going into care. It is a composite story of experiences shared with us by the people we support.

Challenges of Mental Health Services in Scotland – July 2015

Who Cares? Scotland responds to the legal and practical challenges of
mental health services in Scotland referred to in the 2014 Children & Young People Act. It discusses the main challenges for NHS mental health services and provides some recommendations.

Mental Health Project Report

In March 1997 Who Cares? Scotland was given funding from the Mental Health Foundation to consult Care Experienced people to talk about how they support their mental health and what hinders them from doing this.