Scottish Government’s Corporate Parenting Progress Report – Summary Report
This is a summary of the Scottish Government’s Corporate Parenting report for 2021 – 2024 and has been created by Who Cares? Scotland.
This is a summary of the Scottish Government’s Corporate Parenting report for 2021 – 2024 and has been created by Who Cares? Scotland.
This edition of our Newsletter includes Promising Practice examples from St Peter’s Primary School and Social Security Scotland.
This post training pack is for Corporate Parents who have received a training session from the Education and Engagement Team at Who Cares? Scotland.
This consultation response provides comment on the Scottish Government’s proposals for changes to the remit of the three principal public bodies in the post- school education system. These public bodies are the Student Award Agency Scotland (SAAS), the Scottish Funding Council (SFC), and Skills Development Scotland (SDS).
This edition of our Newsletter looks back at recent events such as The Corporate Parenting Awards and Empowered Voices Programme.
This booklet has been created jointly between Who Cares? Scotland and the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA). The aim of this booklet is to provide Scotland’s teachers with insight into the lives of Care Experienced learners and the important role you play as a Corporate Parent.
This programme outlines the work of all the nominees for the 2024 Corporate Parenting Awards. The programme also shares examples Promising Practice from the last 10 years of Corporate Parenting.
We are delighted to share our new training offer for 2024 – 2025. This outlines the help available to Corporate Parents from The Education and Engagement team.
Who Cares? Scotland responds to the Scottish Government’s proposal to create a fee discount structure for people in receipt of certain benefits to receive a Disclosure fee discount.
In this issue – We share some Education and Engagement team updates and Samuel Curran shares some of the work Scottish Police Authority have been doing to grow as a Corporate Parent.
This video was made in participation with a group of Care Experienced people in the Highland Council area. They shared with Who Cares? Scotland what they need to feel supported by Corporate Parents.
In this issue – We share some Education and Engagement team updates and Falkirk Council share the work they have been doing with the local Champions Board.
Each Corporate Parent must publish a plan setting out how they intend to fulfil their duties. This document provides guidance on the contents and elements required to produce a great Corporate Parenting plan.
In this three part series Laura from Disclosure Scotland answers some frequently asked questions about the Formal Consideration process when applying for PVG (Protecting Vulnerable Groups) Scheme membership.
In this three part series Laura from Disclosure Scotland answers some frequently asked questions about the Formal Consideration process when applying for PVG (Protecting Vulnerable Groups) Scheme membership.
In this three part series Laura from Disclosure Scotland answers some frequently asked questions about the Formal Consideration process when applying for PVG (Protecting Vulnerable Groups) Scheme membership.
In this video we share five top facts about Disclosure Scotland and applying for disclosure.
This guidance document is for staff working in Scotland’s colleges to ensure they feel confident in the consideration and processing of the Care Experienced Student Bursary. It is intended to complement and augment the guidance the SFC provides on the administration of the bursary: National Policy for Further Education Bursaries.
In this issue – We share some Education and Engagement team updates. sportscotland share the work they have been doing to develop their EDI tools and better understand the Care Experienced community.
In this video Marissa reflects on the impact moving around had on her education.
In this video Marissa shares her thoughts on what Corporate Parents need to do to better support Care Experienced people.
An overview of the Who Cares? Scotland 2023-24 learning offer from the Education and Engagement Team.
In this issue – Read about the Training and Education team’s recent visit to Shetland. Edinburgh College share the work they have been doing to support Care Experienced students financially.
Information about Care Day 2023, to help Corporate Parents and the Care Experienced people they work with get involved.
Catch up with all the latest news from the Training & Education team this December.
Our training and education team have produced this video discussing the impact of Covid-19 on the Care Experienced community, it focuses on the financial impact.
Our training and education team have produced this video discussing the impact of Covid-19 on the Care Experienced community, it focuses on digital inclusion.
Short video with Laura Pasternak, Jo McLeod and Gavin Morgan from Who Cares? Scotland, sharing their tips for meaningful participation.
Short video with Laura Pasternak, Jo McLeod and Gavin Morgan, sharing their tips for meaningful participation. As well as insights from National Representative Body members Lynda and Shannon.
Catch up with all the latest news from the Training & Education team this October.
This pack is for anyone who has attended one of the Training and Education team’s Corporate Parenting training events. It includes an overview of content covered in the session as well as links to videos and other informative resources.
This document provides an easy-to-read overview of Corporate Parenting duties as laid out in the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014.
Created for Corporate Parents who have completed our UNCRC training.
This is a promising practice case study which captures an example of what Corporate Parenting looks like in practice.
A snapshot of the Scottish Government’s Keeping the Promise Implementation Plan.
Catch up with all the latest news from the Training & Education team this May.
Catch up with all the latest news from the Training & Education team this February.
This easy-read guide shares key information from our Corporate Parenting progress report using information shared with us by The Scottish Government and CELCIS.
This report is packed with easy to understand information on what Corporate Parents have been doing for people with care experience over the past three years, from 2018 to 2021.
A useful resource to explain what the UNCRC could mean for Corporate Parents.
In this video George (Disclosure Scotland) answers questions about applying for disclosure put to him by Lynda from the National Representative Body.
This short video shares some findings from our Corporate Parenting Progress Report.
In this video Dionne talks about her experience with police when they were called to the residential home she lived in.
In this video Lynda shares her experiences at college and the positive impact her relationship with her tutor had on her studies.
In this video David shares his experience of being discriminated against during interactions with the police.
In this video David talks about being treated differently by teachers in school when they discovered he is Care Experienced.
Leanne shares her story of managing her finances during her studies.
A helpful guide to Disclosure Scotland for Care Experienced people.
Catch up with all the latest news from the Training & Education team.
Rebecca shares her learning journey of studying at St Andrews University.
Josh discusses his experiences of studying music at college.
A document written for Corporate Parents providing a simplified overview of Corporate Parenting duties.
Who Cares? Scotland’s training and education team created this simple guide to help you understand what the Scotland Universities Guaranteed Offer is. It includes some frequently asked questions.
Who Cares? Scotland highlights some of the barriers that Care Experienced students face when graduating university and provides some recommendations for Corporate Parents.
Who Cares? Scotland describes the process of “articulation” into university, a pathway between colleges and universities that enables students to finish their college course then transition to university using the qualifications they’ve already achieved.
Chloe shares some of her experiences during her time in school and the disruptions that affected her education.
Chloe tells us what she, and other Care Experienced people, need from Corporate Parents.
Gary talks about how his personal needs weren’t picked up on when he was in school.
In this video David explains that being Care Experienced caused difficulties in him receiving urgent medical care.
A round up of promising practice by Corporate Parents across Scotland. This round up features Police Scotland and SAAS.
Meet Sam. This video shows what it can feel like going into care. It is a composite story of experiences shared with us by the people we support.
June 2020 Newsletter which updates Corporate Parents on The Training and Education team’s work and upcoming opportunities.
A Who Cares? Scotland summary paper on the impact of Covid19 on the Care Experienced community for Corporate Parents.
Who Cares? Scotland newsletter for Corporate Parents.
This issue shares the work of The University of Stirling, The University of the Highlands and Islands and The University of Edinburgh and the work they are doing to help Care Experienced Students financially.
This issue shares some examples of Promising Practice from Disclosure Scotland, NHS 24, QMU, University of Aberdeen, SCRA, CYPCS, Scottish Housing Regulator, University of Glasgow.
An introductory training on Children’s Rights produced by the Scottish Government.
A description of protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010.
David talks about his Care Experienced journey and his experiences of discrimination growing up.
Who Cares? Scotland sets of 7 elements that make for an effective Corporate Parenting Plan. We recommend you read this in tandem with our guide: Corporate Parenting Guide: An Overview.
A round up of promising practice by Corporate Parents from 2016-2017.
A report on sibling separation and contact was conducted in 2017 to inform Corporate Parents.
Since March 2017, WCS has facilitated a regular issue-based group for care experienced
young people called the “Young Radicals”. This is a report on homelessness in consultation with the Young Radicals group.
Who Cares? Scotland explains the importance of recognising Care Experience as a protected characteristic for students applying to colleges and universities.
Chloe’s health story. Trigger Warnings: mentions domestic violence and mental health issues.
Susanne Millar from the Health and Social Care Partnership discusses the importance of Corporate Parenting.
19 year old Chloe tells us about her experience of being moved from a foster placement to a residential unit with no warning. She tells us what she needs from a Corporate Parent.
Chloe talks about her care journey and what could have helped to make things more seamless.