Moving On Consultation Response
Who Cares? Scotland’s response to the Scottish Government Moving On from Care into Adulthood Consultation published in October 2024.
Who Cares? Scotland’s response to the Scottish Government Moving On from Care into Adulthood Consultation published in October 2024.
In this issue – We share some Education and Engagement team updates and Samuel Curran shares some of the work Scottish Police Authority have been doing to grow as a Corporate Parent.
This video was made in participation with a group of Care Experienced people in the Highland Council area. They shared with Who Cares? Scotland what they need to feel supported by Corporate Parents.
In this issue – We share some Education and Engagement team updates and Falkirk Council share the work they have been doing with the local Champions Board.
In this issue – We share some Education and Engagement team updates. sportscotland share the work they have been doing to develop their EDI tools and better understand the Care Experienced community.
In this issue – Read about the Training and Education team’s recent visit to Shetland. Edinburgh College share the work they have been doing to support Care Experienced students financially.
Catch up with all the latest news from the Training & Education team this October.
This easy-read guide shares key information from our Corporate Parenting progress report using information shared with us by The Scottish Government and CELCIS.
This report is packed with easy to understand information on what Corporate Parents have been doing for people with care experience over the past three years, from 2018 to 2021.
In this video George (Disclosure Scotland) answers questions about applying for disclosure put to him by Lynda from the National Representative Body.
This short video shares some findings from our Corporate Parenting Progress Report.
In this video Dionne talks about her experience with police when they were called to the residential home she lived in.
In this video David talks about being treated differently by teachers in school when they discovered he is Care Experienced.
Gary talks about how his personal needs weren’t picked up on when he was in school.
Meet Sam. This video shows what it can feel like going into care. It is a composite story of experiences shared with us by the people we support.
This issue shares the work of The University of Stirling, The University of the Highlands and Islands and The University of Edinburgh and the work they are doing to help Care Experienced Students financially.
David talks about his Care Experienced journey and his experiences of discrimination growing up.
A round up of promising practice by Corporate Parents from 2016-2017.
19 year old Chloe tells us about her experience of being moved from a foster placement to a residential unit with no warning. She tells us what she needs from a Corporate Parent.
Chloe talks about her care journey and what could have helped to make things more seamless.