Who Cares? Scotland Publishes Housing Issue Paper

As part of our Lifelong Rights Campaign, we have released the first in a series of research papers, to show that Care Experienced people currently do not have the same life outcomes as their non-Care Experienced peers. This paper focuses on one of the most commonly raised issues for 16+ Care Experienced people contacting us for advocacy: support with housing.

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Over the next year, Who Cares? Scotland will publish a series of issue papers which are linked to the top five issues that Care Experienced people, aged 16 and over, raise with us through independent advocacy. 

In this first paper, our research shows that some Care Experienced people leave care abruptly, before they are ready and without the necessary preparation and support. Then due to the lack of options for young people to return to care or rely on a family support network, Care Experienced people are at a greater risk of falling into repeat homelessness and experiencing severe and multiple disadvantages.


Louise Hunter, Chief Executive at Who Cares? Scotland, said: 

“In May, the Scottish Government announced that Scotland was in the midst of a housing emergency.  Efforts are being made to address this and organisations are seeking solutions to improve lives across Scotland.

Everyone deserves to have access to safe, affordable, high-quality homes so that they can thrive in all aspects of their lives. However, housing is one of top issues Care Experienced people come to us for support with. We believe that the solutions proposed in this paper go some way to ensuring that can happen for those with care experience all across Scotland.”

The paper is based on a variety of sources including an online survey and data from our advocacy work with Care Experienced people who have accessed advocacy in local authorities and through our Helpline.

We have set out ten solutions which include; full implementation and prioritisation of Continuing Care, a dedicated Housing Officer for Care Experienced people, and standardised grants for leaving care and setting up a home. We believe these are necessary and realistic actions for duty bearers to take before the conclusion of The Promise. The Promise is a flagship policy during former First Minister Nicola Sturgeon’s tenure, which promised to transform the children’s care system.