CARMEL Jacob has been appointed as the new Care Experienced Chair of the Board of Who Cares? Scotland.
Carmel, who grew up in kinship care and has been a member of Who Cares? Scotland for many years, works as an Educational Psychologist. She first joined the board more than three years ago, where she has provided guidance and support on a range of governance matters since.
She will now take up the role of Chair following a robust internal recruitment process which was supported by a group of Care Experienced members. The group developed a series of questions designed to identify the attributes they most wanted to see in the future Chair of the Board, and put these to Carmel and other candidates, during interview.
Carmel said:
“I am very proud to take on the role of the Chair of the Board, as involvement in Who Cares? Scotland has changed my life. It has granted me a sense of belonging and supported me to proudly own my identity as a member of the Care Experienced Community.
“There is nothing I am more passionate about than advocating for Who Cares? Scotland’s vision of a lifetime of equality, respect and love for Care Experienced people and I am deeply committed to using my position on the board to provide support, scrutiny and guidance, to ensure the organisation is delivering upon its strategic plan, to the highest possible standards.”

Carmel takes over the role from Ryan McCuaig, who stepped down this summer to focus on his legal career. In the interim, the role was held by Sarah Blackmore, who will continue on in the role of the Care Experienced Vice Chair.
CEO Louise Hunter said:
“We are thrilled that Carmel will be taking on this important role for Who Cares? Scotland, as her passion and commitment for our work is absolutely unwavering. Not only does Carmel have much to offer us in terms of her skills and insights as an Educational Psychologist, but she also brings an innate sense of what it means to be a member of our organisation.
“Carmel has been a very active member for many years, and has been alongside much of our campaigning activity in the past. She took part in our former Spokespeople programme, was a member of The Collective and has spoken at many of our events, including most recently at the Love Rally in 2022. Many of you will also remember her powerful poem ‘Here’s to the Care Experienced ones,” which she has shared a number of times, with great impact.”
Members will have the opportunity to meet Carmel in person at the Who Cares? Scotland Annual General Meeting, which will take place in the morning of the Love Rally, in Glasgow, on October 29, 2023.