Who Cares? Scotland Publishes Housing Issue Paper

As part of our Lifelong Rights Campaign, we have released the first in a series of research papers, to show that Care Experienced people currently do not have the same life outcomes as their non-Care Experienced peers. This paper focuses on one of the most commonly raised issues for 16+ Care Experienced people contacting us for advocacy: support with housing.

Cross-ing the Finish Line

The Edinburgh Half Marathon took place on the 26th May 2024, and, first time runner, Iain Cross went the extra mile for Who Cares? Scotland.

Who Cares? We Do!

To mark 10 years of Corporate Parenting, Samuel Curran, Policy Lead for Scottish Police Authority, shares his personal journey as a Corporate Parent and the action that The Scottish Police Authority have taken as a proud Corporate Parent. He shares his views on why Corporate Parenting is a priority for Scottish Police Authority and expresses his own and the Scottish Police Authority’s commitment to the Care Experienced community.