It was fantastic to be able to come together in person for it for the first time in a few years and kick-start the activity for Care Experienced Week!
Our Members’ Assembly, which also includes our Annual General Meeting (AGM), is an annual event and offers a chance for our members to find out more about the workings of the organisation, help shape our work and vote on different aspects of our governance.
It was a really engaging day and great discussions were had.
Ryan McCuaig, Chair of the Board, and Sarah Blackmore, Vice-Chair of the Board, welcomed our members and led our AGM. This included going over the previous minutes from our last AGM, voting in new board members, selecting our auditors for the next year and our finances led by Fiona Donaldson, Director of Finance.
They ended the AGM section with a Q&A session which offered members a chance to ask any burning questions they had and find out more about the work of Who Cares? Scotland.

Changes in Our Board
During this AGM, we had three board members step down. This was Alicia Santana, Euan Haggerty and Lee Davidson. We’d like to thank them for their hard work and dedication during their time on the board.
Five new board members were also voted in. We’ll introduce them to you properly next month. A warm welcome to our new board members!
Finally, Ryan McCuaig was re-elected as Chair for another 4-year term.
Our New Strategic Plan
After the AGM, we launched our new strategic plan, Our Voice, Our Community, Our Future, which will guide our work for the next 4 years. To launch the plan, Louise Hunter gave a short speech and then we heard from each of our directors on the 5 different priorities. These are: Upholding Rights; Influencing Change; Creating Connection; Providing Opportunities; and Creating Communities That Care.

Then our members got to engage with each of these 5 priorities by each answering questions on each of the strategic priorities and adding their thoughts to our big hearts before passing them to the next table. We even had Anas Sarwar MSP, Jackie Baillie MSP and Clare Haughey, the Minister for Children and Young people, involved in the activity.
There was great feedback and comments on the new plan and we’re looking forward to working on our priorities to ensure a lifetime of equality, respect and love for all Care Experienced people.
After that, it was off to the Love Rally!
Read about our other 2022 Care Experienced Week events – The Love Rally and Time to Shine!