Members’ Hub

What is membership?
Our membership offer is made up of 3 key themes:

We want to make sure our members’ benefit from our offer. So once you’re signed up, keep your eyes peeled for treats we might send you. We’ll also let you know about any unique opportunities on offer, such as give aways and competitions. We also highlight employment opportunities. These opportunities may come from us or partner organisations. See the Members’ benefits section below for more detail.

The chance to connect with people who have similar or shared experiences helps everyone to feel understood, respected and like they belong. We support and resource safe and valued local, regional and national spaces, bringing members together to explore their identities and build peer relationships.

We support and empower members to develop as representatives who can speak on behalf of the membership community. Our members help shape and inform Who Cares? Scotland’s decision-making processes as well as having the aspiration to positively change Scottish culture to ensure a better future for all Care Experienced people.
latest offers
Check out these exclusive offers available to Who Cares? Scotland members!
Members’ Benefits
We offer our members a range of benefits including:

Age 3-10
A membership pack
With welcome booklet, wristband, badge and Buddy the Bear when you sign up.
Birthday cards
Handwritten to show you we’re thinking of you.
Christmas parcels
With a small gift just for you.
SpeakOut Junior
Our membership magazine for our younger members. We send out 3 issues a year. To view previous issues of SpeakOut click here.

Age 11-26
A membership pack
With welcome booklet, wristband, badge and pen when you sign up.
Birthday cards
Handwritten to show you we’re thinking of you.
Christmas parcels
With a small gift just for you.
Monthly e-newsletter
Newsflash sent to straight to your inbox so you won’t miss a thing.
Our original membership magazine which has been published since 1978 and captures the voices of Care Experienced people. To view previous issues of SpeakOut click here.

Age 27+
A membership pack
With welcome booklet, wristband, badge and pen when you sign up.
Birthday cards
Handwritten to show you we’re thinking of you.
Christmas parcels
With a small gift just for you.
Monthly e-newsletter
Newsflash sent to straight to your inbox so you won’t miss a thing.
Our original membership magazine which has been published since 1978 and captures the voices of Care Experienced people. To view previous issues of SpeakOut click here.
Upcoming member opportunities & events
As a member, we’ll let you know about relevant opportunities and events coming up.
Would you like to help Care Experienced children and young people engage in activities to build their skills and confidence and engage in their local community?
We are looking for volunteers who have access to their own car and can help to enhance our Care Experienced members experience of attending our regular groups and events in Edinburgh by providing transport.
Want to help build connection and belonging for Care Experienced young people in East Lothian and provide a platform to allow them to influence positive change?
Our Photos
Take a look at the photo albums from our most recent events.
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Shaping our work
Being a member means shaping our work. Who Cares? Scotland is your organisation, and it is our job to listen to you.
We have created a variety of opportunities for you to have your voice heard. Our members make sure everything that we do is in the best interests of the Care Experienced community. We support our members to speak to other organisations, to local authorities, and the First Minister in order to affect positive change.
Member stories
Belonging by Alastair McIver
Member, Alastair McIver, describes his experience speaking at the 2024 Love Rally and the difference between ‘fitting in’ and true belonging. First published in the Winter 24 issue of SpeakOut.
Barbells and Bargains as PureGym Lifts Up Care Experienced People
Britain’s largest gym chain, PureGym, has partnered with Who Cares? Scotland, to offer our members an exclusive 50% discount on monthly memberships plus no joining fee.
Edinburgh Fringe 2024: A review of Scaffolding
Our member, Leah has been taking in the buzz of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Read her review of Scaffolding – an immersive play that unpacks the beauty of being misunderstood.
Football is for Everyone
As part of Sport Scotland’s themed month of Care Experience and Sport, one of our members, Lisa Mason has written about her love of sport and how football gave her a consistent outlet where she felt safe and like she belonged. #TimeToCare
2024 Edinburgh Fringe Care Experienced Highlights
Edinburgh becomes the stage for the biggest arts and culture festival in the world for the whole of August. We’ve highlighted a few shows that touch upon the theme of care experience and might be of interest.
Celebrating the 2024 Carelidh: A Joyous Affair
Members Ryan and Kirsty tell us about their night at the 2024 Carelidh to celebrate Care Day.
Who should I vote for? General Election Scottish Party Manifestos Breakdown
The Who Cares? Scotland Policy Team has read all the main Scottish Political Parties’ Manifestos and pulled out the important information that affects the Care Experienced community. Have a read to help you make this important decision and go out and vote!
A Quest for Acceptance & Authenticity
Milo writes about their emotional journey to come to terms with their identity as a disabled, LGBTQ+ person with care experience growing up in a religious household.
International Women’s Day: Strong Sisters
To mark International Women’s Day, Care Experienced writer Millicent Wenlock has written a blog discussing some of the challenges Care Experienced women and girls experience. Plus, how we can celebrate our successes and the achievements of the women around us.
Fatima Whitbread – Reeling For Rights
In February, award winning, Care Experienced, Olympian Fatima Whitbread, MBE came
along to our Carelidh to celebrate Care Day 2024. We managed to grab a quick chat with
her about care, her past, and her own movement, Fatima’s UK Campaign. First published in Spring 24 SpeakOut.
Care Experienced Week 2023
Care Experienced Week 2023 took place from the 22nd to the 29th of October. Find out how we celebrated this year.
3 Pieces of Advice
To mark Black History Month, Care Experienced writer Leah Flint has written a blog sharing her experience growing up as a mixed race child in a white foster family and offers 3 pieces of advice on how we can all be better allies to the black community.
Members’ resources
Know Your Rights Pack (for Young People)
Know Your Rights Pack (for Children)
Digital Wellbeing Helpful Links Flyer
Digital Wellbeing Reflective blog by Megan
Relationship Mapping Tool
Digital Wellbeing Reflective blog by Bob
Barriers to Graduation for Care Experienced Students
Guide to Articulation for Care Experienced Students
Want to check out the full Resource Library?
Here you’ll find our full range of resources which can be filtered by type and theme depending on what you are looking for.
Take a look at the most recent issues of our membership magazine – SpeakOut!