What is Care Day?
According to the UN:
“International days are occasions to educate the general public on issues of concern, to mobilise political will and resources to address global problems, and to celebrate and reinforce achievements of humanity.”
Care Day came as the result of five charities representing Care Experienced children, young people and adults across the UK and Ireland joining together, with the aim to support Care Experienced people to shape policy and effect change across the UK and Ireland. As part of the 5 Nations, 1 Voice alliance launch, Friday 19th February 2016 was named Care Day, with activities planned across the nations.
5 Nations, 1 Voice brings together Who Cares? Scotland, Become (England), Voices from Care (Wales), VOYPIC (Northern Ireland) and EPIC (Ireland). Each organisation is uniquely positioned in their own nation, and they share a common purpose: to represent the views or promote the voices of Care Experienced people to improve their experiences and outcomes.
The tagline “Celebrating and Connecting the Care Experienced Community” was chosen by a planning group made up of Care Experienced people from each of the five nations.
The 5 Nations, 1 Voice alliance invites every child, young person and adult with experience of care and their supporters to connect on this day of united celebration.

A History of Care Day

The Carelidh 2024
Last year we hosted The Carelidh at a new venue in Glasgow. The Carelidh is a family-friendly event open to all ages, with food, music, and dancing!
Get Involved in Care Day 2024!

This year we are asking you to take on a sponsored challenge to raise funds for Who Cares? Scotland.
We need your support to ensure we can continue to campaign for the rights of Care Experienced people of all ages and achieve our ultimate goal – a lifetime of equality, respect and love for all.
Is there something you have always wanted to do? We are challenging our supporters to fundraise for us by taking part in the Care2Dare? Firewalk or by taking on their own personal challenge. A Care2Dare? fundraising challenge could be whatever is a challenge for you – maybe you want to finally complete couch to 5K, or be sponsored to give up chocolate for a month!
Find out more here!

We have created a Care Day pack for Corporate Parents and other professionals that tells you everything you need to know about #CareDay2024 and how you can get involved!

Objects is our podcast that launched in February 2021 as part of our celebrations for Care Day.
This series sees host Charlotte Armitage sit down with Care Experienced people, ranging from social workers to farmers, looking at the objects that represent the different moments in their life. Each guest brings three objects to the conversation, representing their life before, during and after care.
If you are planning an event for Care Day 2024 and would like us to list it on our website please email comms@whocaresscotland.org and we will be delighted to promote it.
Shout About It!
We have created a Care Day 2024 Canva folder which includes: the Care Day logo to add to your posts and materials, some pre-made graphics, a #HandsUpForCareDay photo template and some suggested copy. Please feel free to make use of these assests to promote Care Day.
On the day we’d love to know how you’re celebrating, so make sure you tag us on social media @WhoCaresScot and @WhoCaresScotland and use the hashtag #CareDay2024