The term Care Experienced and Care Experienced people is an umbrella term used to describe anyone who is currently, or has been, in the state care system.
Around the world, many different phrases are used. We have chosen to use Care Experienced as care is not a singular event in someone’s life and the term used shouldn’t define where they are in the process. Instead, we believe there is a lifelong impact from the experience of care.
Different phrases which are used in Australia that would be classed as Care Experienced are:
Care Leavers
Forgotten Australians
Former Child Migrants
Stolen Generation
Out of Home Care (OOHC)
Former Foster Kid
Orphanage Kid
Home Kid
Foster Care
Kinship Care
Residential Care
Resi Kid
GOM kid (Guardian of the Minister)
(formal) State organised or (informal) family organised
*Please note that this list is not exhaustive and some people may have had other labels placed on them.