‘Being the Light’ Festival of Care 2021
Shetland shone a light on Care Experience with their second Festival of Care, titled ‘Being the Light’: an exciting five-day event (19th-24th Feb 2021) that began on Care Day.
Shetland shone a light on Care Experience with their second Festival of Care, titled ‘Being the Light’: an exciting five-day event (19th-24th Feb 2021) that began on Care Day.
What do this comedian, wrestling champion and Member of Parliament all have in common?
We caught up with board member Lee Davidson to find out more about her!
Thanks to your incredible support, here’s what we were able to provide this Christmas for Care Experienced people in Scotland.
Who Cares? Scotland’s Public Affairs Manager, Jamie Kinlochan, will receive a British Empire Medal in the New Year Honours List 2021.
We caught up with board member Trevor Hillman to find a bit more about him!
We caught up with board member Carmel Jacob to find out a bit more about her!
Who Cares? Scotland publish research into issues of privacy and confidentiality within the Children’s Hearings System
Our vice-chair Megan Moffat explains how we recruited our new CEO, Louise Hunter.
Chairs of The Promise and Who Cares? Scotland reiterate shared commitment to transform Care Experienced people’s lives