10 Questions with Jacqueline Wilson
To celebrate the return of Tracy Beaker to our screens we caught up with the author, Jacqueline Wilson.
To celebrate the return of Tracy Beaker to our screens we caught up with the author, Jacqueline Wilson.
A useful resource to explain what the UNCRC could mean for Corporate Parents.
This response provides comment on the proposed Scottish Government policy relating to placing children and young people into residential care based in Scotland when a High Court in England or Wales has granted a Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Order [DOLS].
Kenny Murray talks about the representation of Care Experience in the media after a former BBC correspondent talks publicly about returning a child she adopted back to the care system.
Melissa Craib gives her review of The April Dead by Scottish Care Experienced writer, Alan Parks.
Care Experienced board member Alicia Santana reviews the latest entry in Square Enix’s popular video game series
Our Care Experienced Comms and Public Affairs officer reviews Netflix’s documentary ‘I Am Belmaya’
Who Cares? Scotland submits evidence to inform the Education reform consultation, including what we know about what Care Experienced learners need to thrive.
Care Experienced member Charles attended the Conference of Youth 16 as Scotland’s first ever representative!
As Scotland celebrates Care Experienced Week 2021, Lynda Greig, a member of our National Representative body, discusses how she demands the very best from life – and the crucial role that love and support plays.