Care Experience and Protected Characteristics
A description of protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010.
A description of protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010.
Who Cares? Scotland sets of 7 elements that make for an effective Corporate Parenting Plan. We recommend you read this in tandem with our guide: Corporate Parenting Guide: An Overview.
Our response to Empowering Schools: A consultation on the provision of the Education (Scotland) Bill
Who Cares? Scotland reports on our concerns relating to continuing care after consulting with APW’s across Scotland.
Reframing Children’s Social Care
Consultation. The findings of a session looking at the question: “what do you want the public to know and understand about the care system and looked after children?”.
Our response to the consultation on the Proposed Draft Police Act
1997 and Protection of Vulnerable Groups (Scotland) Act
2007 Remedial Order 2018
Our response to the consultation on the draft of The Continuing Care (Scotland) Amendment Order 2018
A round up of promising practice by Corporate Parents from 2016-2017.
A report on sibling separation and contact was conducted in 2017 to inform Corporate Parents.
Since March 2017, WCS has facilitated a regular issue-based group for care experienced
young people called the “Young Radicals”. This is a report on homelessness in consultation with the Young Radicals group.