Chief Executive Officer & Senior Management Team

Louise Hunter is our Chief Executive and is supported by 4 Directors.

Louise Hunter

Chief Executive

Kenny Murray

Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Engagement & Influence

Kay McKerrell

Director of Advocacy & Participation

Fiona Donaldson

Director of Finance

Andy Robin

Director of Business Development

Advocacy & Participation

Abigail Pass

Angus/Aberdeenshire CHS Advocacy & Participation Worker

Ashley Donaldson

Aberdeen/Aberdeenshire/CHS Advocacy & Participation Worker

Brenda Ann Murphy

North Lanarkshire APW

Carey Ross

West Central Advocacy & Participation Worker

Carolelynne Cameron

Lifelong Advocate

Caroline Breen

Renfrewshire Advocacy & Participation Worker

Caroline Richardson

Lanarkshire Advocacy and Participation Manager

Carrie Anderson

Moray Advocacy & Participation Worker

Claire Campbell

Lifelong Advocate

Connie Ross

Aberdeen/Aberdeenshire CHS Advocacy & Participation Worker

Denise McMillan

East Ayrshire Advocacy & Participation Coordinator

Donald Walker

Renfrewshire Advocacy & Participation Worker

Elle Scott

North Lanarkshire APW

Ellie Barrow

Edinburgh & Harmeny Advocacy & Participation Worker

Eszter Biro

Highland Advocacy & Participation Worker

Ewan Duthie

Advocacy & Participation Worker North East (Peripatetic)

Ewen Kerr

South Lanarkshire Advocacy

Fiona Simpson

Glasgow Advocacy & Participation Worker

Florence Jansen

Western Isles Advocacy & Participation Worker

Geraldine Whitson

West Lothian Advocacy & Participation Worker

Hayley Cohen

Renfrewshire Advocacy & Participation Worker

Heather Nailard

Argyle & Bute Advocacy & Participation Worker

Jacqueline McLachlan

North Lanarkshire APW

James Cameron

North APW Coordinator

Jamie McAnally

Advocacy & Participation Manager, West Central

Jane Donaldson

North East Advocacy & Participation Manager

Jantine van Loon

Highland Advocacy & Participation Worker

Jemma Kane

Kibble Advocacy & Participation Coordinator

Jessica Varney

Rossie/Tayside CHS Advocacy & Participation Worker

Johanna Kaz

Advocacy and Participation Worker Stirling & Seamab

Josh Gilbert

Advocacy & Participation Worker Edinburgh & Scottish Borders

Karen McDiarmid

Highland Advocacy & Participation Worker

Karen Monkman

Orkney Advocacy & Participation Worker

Kay McKerrell

Director of Advocacy & Participation

Keira Kerracher

Edinburgh Advocacy & Participation Worker

Keith Ward

Development Officer – South East (Champions Board/Communities that Care)

Kerry Connor

North Lanarkshire APW

Kieran Platts

Edinburgh Development Officer

Kim Campbell

Glasgow Advocacy & Participation Worker

Laura Campbell

North Lanarkshire CB Development Officer

Leanne Goodlad

Shetland Advocacy & Participation Worker

Leanne Murdoch

Advocacy & Participation Manager, North

Lindsay Cook

East Renfrewshire Advocacy & Participation Worker

Lisa Allan

North Lanarkshire Advocacy & Participation Worker

Lisa Fleming

Advocacy & Participation Worker Midlothian

Louise Murdoch

South Lanarkshire Advocacy
and Participation Worker

Lynn Johnson

West Dunbartonshire Advocacy & Participation Worker

Lynne Morris

North Lanarkshire Advocacy & Participation Worker

Lynne Williamson

Aberdeenshire/CHS Advocacy & Participation Worker

Mags Corr

North Lanarkshire Advocacy & Participation Worker

Mary Bateman

Falkirk Advocacy & Participation Worker

Michelle McAtear

South Lanarkshire Advocacy & Participation Worker

Morag Cantwell

Advocacy & Participation Coordinator and Clackmannanshire Advocacy Worker

Neil Findlay

East Lothian Advocacy & Participation Worker

Nicole Isherwood

Participation Assistant – East Lothian Champions Board

Pamela Hynes

Argyll & Bute & Crossreach Advocacy & Participation Worker

Rachel Outram

East Ayrshire Advocacy & Participation Worker

Ray Maclean

South Lanarkshire Advocacy Coordinator

Russell Stewart

North Lanarkshire Advocacy & Participation Worker

Sharon Berrie

Advocacy & Participation Manager, South West

Sherril Wright

Falkirk and Clackmannanshire Advocacy & Participation Worker
(Maternity Cover)

Sheryl Kay

South Ayrshire Advocacy & Participation Worker

Sophie Morris

East Lothian Advocacy & Participation Worker

Sorcha Tams

West Dunbartonshire Advocacy & Participation Worker

Participation & Membership

Callum Holt

Membership & Participation Coordinator

Claire Ross

Development Officer, Membership & Participation

Julie MacTaggart

Membership & Participation Manager

Sara McNeely

Development, Membership & Participation


Thomas Breckney

Volunteer Development Officer

Yvonne Atkins

Volunteer Manger


Donna Nicholas

Evidence & Impact Manager

Laura Pasternak

Policy & Public Affairs Manager

Melissa Weir

Campaigns Coordinator

Ross Thomson

Evidence & Impact

Emma Brannigan McQueen

Education and Engagement Coordinator

Jen Flynn

Digital Education and Engagement Officer

Lynsey Carey

Education & Engagement Manager

Megan Moffat

Policy Officer (Human Rights)

Dionne Harty

Education and Engagement Officer

Sara Maxwell

Evidence & Impact Officer

Eilidh Robertson

Campaigns Officer

Business Development

Angela Cramb

Development Officer, Communities that Care

Caroline Ironside

Development Officer, Communities that Care (Clacks)

Damien Mack

Fundraising & Partnership Officer

Laurie Goldie

Project Manager: Creating Communities that Care

Lucy Christopher

Fundraising & Partnerships Manager

Terri Young

Communities that Care Coordinator

Finance, HR & Business Support

Doreen Dow

Finance Officer

Gordon Myers

Finance Manager

Isabel Alexander

HR & Workforce Development Support Officer

Shahnila Bano

HR & Workforce Development Manager

Sterling Hudspeth

Business Support Officer

Staff stories