Happy Volunteers’ Week!

Our Volunteer Manager, Yvonne would like to thank our amazing volunteers for everything they do this Volunteers' Week.

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Volunteers’ Week marks a special time to recognise and thank volunteers and shine a spotlight on the difference they make.
At Who Cares? Scotland we have the privilege to work alongside so many passionate, dedicated people who volunteer their time across the organisation. Week in, week out, we witness
the amazing contributions volunteers make to the care community and the impact this has on our members. Volunteers play a crucial role in building stronger, more compassionate communities and we want to take this opportunity to thank all our invaluable volunteers for the work they do.  

We strive to ensure volunteers at Who Cares? Scotland feel valued for the contributions they make and that they are recognised and thanked for the commitment they show to our members and our work. However, this week, in particular is a chance to recognise, celebrate and thank the incredible volunteers for all they contribute to our local communities, the voluntary sector, and society as a whole. We know that so much of the impact from volunteering is immeasurable. It’s the relationships built, the trust gained, and the safety felt. However, it is also important to remember the economic value of volunteering. Selfless people giving their time to contribute to and provide support that otherwise may not happen without significant financial resources.   

Volunteers selflessly give their time and energy and at Who Cares? Scotland, we have the privilege of seeing first-hand the positive impact our volunteers have on our members, and we know that there is so much work that simply wouldn’t be possible without their ongoing passion and generosity. Whether volunteers give their time every week, or on occasion, whether they support local groups and events, write birthday cards, play games, give their time to listen, influence change, answer our Helpline, raise awareness, or fundraise, every volunteer plays a crucial role in our vision to create a lifetime of Equality, Respect and Love for Care Experienced people. Every amount of time they give helps our members to forge positive relationships, gain new connection experiences, have fun and build our network of champions for the care community.  

Who Cares? Scotland are passionate about the benefits volunteering can bring, to our members, our staff as well as to the volunteers themselves. Volunteering is an integral part of our society, and we are committed to being part of that journey.

“We are very lucky to have the volunteers we do in our team. They are a great asset and very well-liked by our members. They always give 100% and this results in the fantastic relationships they create with members.”

– Who Cares? Scotland Staff

“I really enjoyed spending time with the volunteers at the group, I haven’t been in a while and was feeling a little nervous, however they made me feel so welcome, they spent time with me talking about things I am interested in, which made me feel like they were really interested in what I was saying.”

– Who Cares? Scotland Member

 “Volunteering has been immensely rewarding, a simple thing of taking time to talk and listen and the difference this makes should never be taken for granted. It has been an honour to get to know the young people and be welcomed into their groups spaces and will be an experience I will always value.”

– Who Cares? Scotland Volunteer  

This Volunteers’ Week we would like to say a heartfelt thank you, not only to every volunteer currently with us but to every volunteer who has at one point selflessly given their time and energy to our work, and to the future volunteers who get involved with us. Never underestimate the power of the time you give through your volunteering.